Thursday, July 11, 2013

Since Pictures are Worth 1,000 Words...

Hey Everyone,

First off, sorry for the delay in the blog posts, I was recently busy
preparing for my midterm. Also for this post that I'm typing now, I only have
about 30 mins to blog [heading off to An'Yang(安阳) and still need to pack!], so I think the best method is to just show you pictures of my journey so far :)


Chicken Gizzard, YUM!

Yep...So glad I was exiting and not entering!

This is just wrong on so many levels...

Ahhh so that's the secret to get married!

Guys, I proposed...but she said No :'(

I have no idea how this counts as "Art" but...


That's ALL KOI


KTV (Karaoke) Trip!

Can't believe this sign was there LOL

Class Assignment: My Newspaper about Protecting the Environment.
3+ Hours of Hard Work!

My favorite restaurant! :)

INTERESTING STORY OF THE WEEK (Don't read further if you're easily grossed out)
Seriously, you can stop here if you want. My last line is just saying that I'm going to An'Yang
for the week and will return next week. I'll update you all about my An'Yang journey in the future!







...Still reading? Alright here we go:

Mustered up my courage and KILLED MY FIRST COCKROACH!  :D
Now, about making him my dinner, YUM!

Alright, so that concludes my past week.
Now I'm off to An'Yang! I will update you all about my An'Yang journey in the future!


Monday, July 1, 2013

Compassion, Colleagues, and Colleges

Friends and Followers,

Life is GOOD!

This past week was all about visiting friends here in China and catching up with them (some friends I haven't seen in over a year!)

The layout of this post is as follows:

1. Interesting Story of the Week
2. Pics of the places I visited
3. Other interesting things I picked up on

Have you ever had that feeling where you want to go out and have fun...but the little voice inside of your head tells you to stay home? That was last Friday night for me.

Around 8:30pm, I was preparing to head out to visit my friend who was over at another university. As I walked out of my dorm, I heard the Voice say, "Don't go Sam. You can visibly see the pollution outside can't you? Skip tonight and meet with your friend tomorrow."
"Thanks Voice, but no thanks. Sure there's pollution, but there's no rain right? It already rained
earlier today so I'm pretty sure I'm good to go."
...And so assuming that it wasn't going to rain again, I left my umbrella at my dorm to dry and headed off to the bus station. I eventually found my bus and departed the station.

Here I am now, merrily on my way to my destination!

...and then it started.


When it was my stop, I lunged off of the bus and took cover under the small dinky "roof" of the bus stop. I called my friend and asked if he could come greet me with an umbrella, but he said that it would take a significant amount of time (>30 mins).

So here I was, invariable getting more wet by the minute (due to the side winds carrying rain).

But then I saw my beacon of hope!

It was a small tea store with its doors open and a lady waving her hand welcoming me in.
I dashed inside her store, and thanked her for her cordial invitation.

“没关系,你可以等在这儿!" (No problem, you can wait here for a bit!")
Not only did she warmly beckon me in, but also she provided free tea!

Moreover, she told me I could call her (彭姐) (Lit: Peng Sister) to which I gave a warm smile in appreciation for her caring for me as if I were her little brother haha! Through our conversation  I found out that she loves to watch movies, and she recommended that I go watch 泰囧 (Lost in Thailand).
If any of you have seen it, would you recommend it as well? I plan to see it soon!

Eventually, when the rain subsided a bit, my friend showed up with a spare umbrella. I said my thanks to 彭姐, bought a tea set from her, and then headed off with my friend to his university.

I still remember 彭姐's kindness and this kindness is something that I will pay forward to other strangers and friends here in China. I'm so grateful!

1. When the unexpected happens (such as a freak thunderstorm), receive signs of mercy WITH BIG ARMS! In other words, warmly receive help when you need it and be grateful!
Even aside from thunderstorms, in other situations our own vanity and pride prevent us from asking for help. Even a small thing like a thunderstorm really reminded me of how I can't always control everything (i.e weather) and things don't go according to plan (it wasn't supposed to rain). In such cases, we must overcome our foolish pride and graciously receive help when we are in need. Furthermore, I believe we can all learn how to treat others with kindness as 彭姐 has shown! Pay it forward!

Tsinghua University

Apartments right? NOPE. School dorms! 4-6 people in one room!

No Elevator = EPIC EXERCISE (6 floors)

Renmin University
With my friends Xizi and Frank (left to right)

祖冲之 (Zu Chongzhi), his estimation of π  was the most accurate one for over 900 years
李时珍(Li Shizhen) Ming botanist and pharmacologist, author of Compendium of medical herbs
College is college, no matter where you are :)

Learned how to play 麻将 (Mahjong), I challenge you!
Do you believe that I found this at a subway station?

Graffiti Beijing Style!

Who doesn't love calligraphy?