Sunday, June 9, 2013


Dear Friends and Followers,

I will embark on my journey to China in two days.

Right now I'm taking care of last-minute logistics, saying 'see you laters' to friends here in America, and enjoying time with family.
*Side note: I believe in "See you Later"...never "Goodbye":
I feel excited! I've been reading guidebooks and handbooks and the best advice that I have
encountered is "Don't expect, accept." This is in reference to going into China with an open mind and really doing your best to adapt to the local culture there. Instead of imposing your pre-disposed beliefs, you should adapt and accept the social and cultural norms of your destination.

This is the first time that I am blogging and so I humbly ask for your understanding if any
blog issues arise. Also please keep in mind that the internet in China is not always 100% reliable. That said, I will do my best to update this blog on a weekly basis. Thank you!


  1. I'm so excited for you! You're going to have an amazing time =)

  2. Praying for You Sam !!! - Esther (:

  3. All the best Sam as you embark on what I believe is a life-changing journey. Can't wait to see how the Chronicles turn out!

  4. Have a good trip! I hope your blog works in China...I had a friend trying to use a Blogspot account but it was blocked. Check out the Yale VPN; it was helpful for lots of things while I was in China with the Glee club earlier in the month. I tested your blog on (tests to see if things are blocked) and it didn't seem to work. But VPN should be fine :) Happy travels!

  5. own it Sam!


  6. I am proud of you Sam.
    Thanks for sharing your journey.
    Hope to see you soon and I will pray for you.
    Alex Lee

  7. yay i'm super late on this blog but you know i'm gonna follow you regularly :) soooo excited for your year abroad!
